Friday, October 11, 2013


ハロ !

This time we cooked some korean based fast food (or something like that) with turkey, lots of onion and some wine. With bean sprouts it was really delicious. :3

We made some "Japenese" corn soup too. It was really simple, but also a nice dinner.

Finally i got my lenses from Anett. It was my  late birthday gift, though. I'm really happy since my last lenses, i wanted to try out G&G's shining gray (also known as puffy 3 tone gray). Here are some comparison pictures. The diameter is around 14,5 so normally it doesn't make dolly-ish eyes, but since my eyes are so tiny, it looks huge imho, Otherwise, the color looks more blue than gray i think, with a little yellow part, so it looks really natural outdoors.

Here are some other pics with my newest scarf ordered from ebay. And some common pics with Anett <3



We decided to watch animes together. Our first one was called アナザー (Another). It was my big "comeback" to the otaku scene (okay whatever, i'm also a gamer and addcited to J-music xd) because i haven't seen anything in the past few years. xD

Well, i really enjoyed this one, but Anett thinks it is only a once wieving anime (since it's illogical, etc). I disagree, so i can recommend this one if you want to watch some trhiller / drama with horror based parts.

I got my payment, so i decided to buy Gratin Carnival's two CDs (His first one, and a live CD). He's totally unkown, but great D: He's like Shugo Tokumaru with less instrument and more folk based sound.

Preview of newest single of ANSIA has been leeked, and it's totally awesome (just like the first one). Gonna buy this one for sure (but can't decide wich type). They need more attention in overseas region, so let's just try them out, and listen their first single "Koibana". You won't be dissappointed. Or you are gay ! 

I added Virág's site to the side bar. She's a gaijin gyaru, and shopaholic as well, so enjoy her blog too ! :3