Tuesday, November 19, 2013


On monday we went to my beloved all you can eat Japanese restaurant. Before that i took some pics, here they are. (。・д・)

It was really nice, event though i don't like sushi (and sea foods at all), but i ate a lot.  (*~∀~*)

After that i also took some pics. ▽・ェ・▽

御主人様専用奇才楽団 -Virgil-'s (or simply Virgil) preview of their upcoming single has been revealed. After some changes between the line up, it seems it'll be okay (the only one original member so far is the vocalist called Roa). Totally looking forward to it. (●ω●)

We started watching an anime called 東のエデン (Higashi no Eden or Eden of east). Well, i don't know nothing about the storyline, but i couldn't resist these pictures. It'll be some politican thriller as far as i know, with some comedian vibe. (人*′ω`)

The art concept looks so similiar to Honey and Clover to me, main characters totally remind me to Morita and Yamada.

ANSIA's (ex-aunica members new band) first PV "Koibana" finally leaked. I highly recommend them, they are one of the best (and individual) band in the visual scene nowadays so far. ( ̄ー ̄;)